Our History

The Christian County Baptist Association (CCBA) has along and rich history. It was established in 1923 with 23 churches totaling 4,028 members. After 96 years of existence, the CCBA has grown in number to 44 churches totaling almost 14,000 members or a 19% of Christian County.

Our Mission & Vision

The MISSION of Christian County Baptist Association is to promote cooperative Kingdom work among her churches, and to help resource those churches in their divinely appointed task of fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
The VISION for the Christian County Baptist Association is to be a dynamic and healthy network of praying churches, cooperating to fulfill the Great Commission.

Our Current 2023-2024 Theme:




Our Team:

Our leadership team is responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing a variety of programs and ministries. Our passion and goal is to resource our churches and equip the believers for the work of the ministry.

Association Missions Strategist:

Dr. John Franklin

will begin serving 4/1/2022



Administrative Assistant:

Lynn Farmer
Impact Ministry Director:

Guidelines for seeking affiliation with the Christian County Baptist Association:

If your church would like to partner with the Christian County Baptist Association please click on the link below. Fill out the application and return it with the required supporting documentation: